Certificates & Labels

Organic Farming

A fundamental practice of sustainable agriculture, organic farming is characterized by the absence of synthetic chemicals and pesticides.


Demeter is the main label certifying the practice of so-called biodynamic agriculture.
Biodynamic agriculture takes a holistic approach, placing great importance on the vitality and health of vines, soils and the surrounding biodiversity.
The use of herbal teas, compost and respect for astral rhythms are fundamental tools.
The aim is to recreate more resilient, balanced and sustainable agricultural ecosystems.


A movement created in 1995, Biodyvin brings together over 200 estates worldwide. Biodyvin defines the objective as follows: “the biodynamic winemaker takes care of the balance of his land and vines, preserves ecosystems, harvests high-quality grapes, so the wine tasted will fully express the dimensions of its terroir.”

The renaissance of naming

Created in 2001, this association has set itself the objective of guaranteeing firstly the full expression of the appellations, and secondly a wine of the highest quality and originality.